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Societies' Fair Stall 2011

Organisation for who'll be at club's stall during societies' fair. Fair is being held in Kelsey Kerridge Sports Hall and we are at position A06 (on first row next to hall entrance, map here)

We are allowed a maximum of two people at the stall at any one time, from previous experience they don't check that frequently however equally two I think was probably the right number anyway. I think one person should be okay for short spells, particularly in the less busy periods (evenings?).

Tuesday 4th October


  • Matt
  • Dave
  • Mark


  • Matt
  • Dave
  • Joe
  • Mark


  • Dave
  • Joe
  • Mark (available until about 2:30) AW replaces Mark from 14:30


  • Andrew (will come to replace Mark at 14:30)
  • Dave


  • Matt
  • Andrew
  • Dave

Wednesday 5th October


  • Matt (I'll probably come along to help set up and drop off flyers but then go to department for a couple of hours [l|/users/matthew-graham|Matthew Graham] - 13:26 03 October 2011)
  • Becky
  • Mark


  • Matt
  • Andrew
  • Joe


  • Matt
  • Andrew
  • Kate
  • Joe (do we need this many people??? It's a good way of getting into the fair without queueing though!)
    • I think we'll only have two on the day (I've crossed Andrew and me out for now as we're down for more other slots) however having when everyone is available listed is useful so we can try spread out the load as much as possible [l|/users/matthew-graham|Matthew Graham] - 13:50 02 October 2011


  • Matt (I'll turn up 15 mins early so Kate can leave on time for lecture [l|/users/matthew-graham|Matthew Graham] - 13:26 03 October 2011)
  • Andrew

And clear-up needed too? Where will the boards be taken back to? Presumably someone who's likely to be on the committee next year... [AW]


  • Have just listed all of the times I'm free, but I don't expect I'll be needed for all of them [AW]
  • Likewise - it is also possible I might have to have a DOS meeting at some point during that time but not sure when! [DM]
  • I'm afraid my lectures start on Tuesday so I'm really busy both those days. The only time slot that doesn't clash with a lecture/meeting is that 1300-1500 on the Wednesday and I'm afraid I'll have to leave a few mins early to go to a lecture that starts at 1500 [Kate]

    • Shouldn't matter about leaving early - as long as there is at least one person there at all times it doesn't matter if we go for short periods without two :) [l|/users/matthew-graham|Matthew Graham] - 13:50 02 October 2011
  • I've put down all the times I'm free for, we can spread the load obviously. Mark