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Scotland Trip, September 2014

The Idea

To stay up in bunkhouses in Glencoe area with loads of hills to explore and a roof and a fire if the weather turns foul. The area has dramatic scenery but also is comparatively easy to get to via A82 and coaches from Glasgow if needed, although alternative suggestions are welcome.

Friday 26th Sept - Wednesday 1st October


London Victora --(Megabus)--> Glasgow Buchanan St --(CityLink)--> Glencoe Ski Centre


Sat and Sun nights

  • Alex MacIntyre Hut
  • £9pppn
  • North Ballachulish
  • MG will have car to taxi to walks on Sat and Sun

Mon night

Walk Options

Walking Suggestions

If the weather is up to much, I envisage:

  • Saturday and Sunday walks: choose hills from Aonach Eagach, Buachaille Etive Beag, Bidean nam Bian and Stob Coire Sgreamhach, Sgor na h-Ulaidh with drive to respective start points
  • Monday walk: Beinn a'Bheithir from Alex MacIntyre Hut then getting 1932 bus from North Ballachulish to Ski Centre (Blackrock Cottage)
  • Tuesday and Wednesday walks: Choose from Buachaille Etive Mor, Creise & Meall a'Bhuiridh and Beinn a'Chrulaiste

Andrew's Bagging Directory

The following (non-exhaustive) list of options exists. [M=Munro, C=Corbett, G=Graham.] Hill Bagging provides a comprehensive list.

The following hills are all easily accessible from the glen itself (though with some form of transport ideally required to start points):

  • Aonach Eagach [2M]; this is very exposed — best if a lift back along the glen exists (hitch possible), and if including the Pap of Glencoe [G] too
  • Creise and Meall a'Bhuiridh [2M]
  • Buachaille Etive Mor [2M]; the best route would be via Curved Ridge (grade 3, if memory serves correctly), which is arguably one of the best scrambles in Scotland
  • Buachaille Etive Beag [2M]
  • Bidean nam Bian and Stob Coire Sgreamhach [2M]
  • Sgor na h-Ulaidh [1M]
  • Beinn a'Bheithir [2M] from Ballachulish
  • Beinn a'Chrulaiste [1C] from the Kings House Hotel; this is rather a short (evening?) stroll
  • Meall Lighiche [1C]

If venturing southwards into Glen Etive, the following are doable:

  • The Ben Starav 'five' [5M] (Ben Starav, Beinn nan Aighenan, Glass Bheinn Mhor, Stob Coir'an Albannaich and Meall nan Eun); this is obviously rather a long day
  • Beinn Sgulaird and Beinn Fhionnlaidh [2M] (whose pronunciation is rather remarkable), though these are probably better accessed from the west
  • Beinn Maol Chaluim [1C]
  • Stob Dubh [1C]
  • Beinn Mhic Chasgaig [1C], on the flanks of Creise, so potentially could be linked with that
  • Beinn Trilleachan [1C]

With a lift to the southern end of the Stob Ghabhar range [2M], a linear walk northwards, ultimately ending up on Creise and Meall a'Bhuiridh, and then the Kings House Hotel could work. Further afield, obviously other options exist, including potentially hills from Tyndrum, Corrour or Fort William.
