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Freshers' Squash Presentation 2011 Planning

Planning for the presentation for the presentation for this year's freshers' squash.

Possible structure (feel free to edit / add things)

Introduction (Matt)

  • What is hillwalking
  • What the club does in brief
  • Where we go
  • Committee

Trip structure (Dave)

  • Departure - time / location, possibility of late cars, food enroute
  • Typical walk - route cards, leave / return time, range of difficulties
  • Evening activities - group meals (wiki), singing
  • Return journey

Safety and Equipment (Andrew)

  • Clothing and footwear
  • Kit to carry on walks
  • Kit for bunkhouse
  • Borrowing kit
  • Courses and training - BMC instructor day, potentially first aid (?), Andy Gibson fund

Socials (Kate and Joe)

  • Weekly - pub / lunch
  • Formals, ceilidh
  • Annual - curry / annual dinner / May week
  • Unofficial formals, trips etc.

Conclusion (Matt)

  • Trip signup
  • Membership
  • Edale details
  • Email lists

Slide text / images

Example slide 1

(add text and upload images you want included in slide)

Example slide 2

(add text and upload images you want included in slide)