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Freshers' Squash 2012 Presentation Planning

Like Matt did last year, I'm also suggesting a structure for the presentation at the Freshers' Squash as follows. It is based largely on the 2010 presentation; I don't see the point in reinventing the wheel since this presentation was so good. It can be seen here, but last year's is not online.

Please send me your section's slides by early next week - preferably by the end of the Freshers' Fair on Wednesday. If someone can't make the Squash to present their part, maybe Vicky can fill in or Helen/Becky can help out by dividing their section.

Possible structure (feel free to edit or add things)

Introduction (Andrew)

  • What is hillwalking?
  • What the club does in brief
  • Where we go
  • Committee member posts

Trip structure (Laura)

  • Departure - time / location, possibility of late cars, food en route
  • Typical walk - route cards, leave / return time, range of difficulties
  • Evening activities - group meals (wiki), singing
  • Return journey

Safety and Equipment (Peter)

  • Clothing and footwear
  • Kit to carry on walks
  • Kit for bunkhouse
  • Borrowing kit
  • Courses and training - BMC instructor day, potentially first aid, Andy Gibson Training Fund

Social stuff (Helen & Becky)

  • Weekly - pub meets & lunches
  • Formals, possible ceilidh & other events
  • Annual - Xmas Curry, Annual Dinner & May Week
  • Unofficial formals, trips etc.

Conclusion (Andrew)

  • Trip signup
  • Membership costs (could bring in Vicky here if needed / she wants to)
  • Edale details
  • Email lists
  • What next?
  • Questions