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27th December 2010 - 3nd January 2011

Kirkton Farmhouse, half way between Crianlarich and Tyndrum

Shopping lists


To Tyndrum:

  • Alison B Lift with Dave from Glasgow
  • Amy B - Lift with JM on 27th
  • Michael F - Getting to Carnforth on 26th; lift/train to Tyndrum
  • Dave F - Driving Glasgow - Tyndrum. Leaving 1715 from B/den station
  • Emma F - Lift with JM on 27th
  • Ian P - Lift with JM on 27th
  • David P - Lift with Ruth from Cornwall to Derby on 26th, then driving to Carnforth - Driving to Tyndrum on 27th
  • Ruth P - Driving from Cornwall to Carnforth via Derby on 26th with David and Jo - DP's car to Tyndrum on 27th
  • Alex P - Lift with JM on 27th
  • Jon M - Driving all the way on 27th
  • Jo S - Lift with Ruth from Worcester to Carnforth on 26th - DP's car to Tyndrum on 27th
  • Sarah W - Train from Cardiff to Crianlarich on 28th
  • Simon W - Train to Glasgow on 27th. Lift with Dave from there
  • DC - driving from Stirling evening of 31st Dec; incidentally, driving from Winchester to Stirling on 26th if this helps anyone (probably not)

From Tyndrum:

  • Alison B - Train to Edinburgh (probably 0936 from Crianlarich), unless anyone has any better offers
  • Amy B - Lift with JM to Cambridge (leaving after walk on Sunday evening)
  • Michael F - train from Crianlarich
  • Dave F - To Cairngorm
  • Emma F - Lift with JM to Cambridge (leaving after walk on Sunday evening)
  • Ian P - Lift with JM to Cambridge (leaving after walk on Sunday evening)
  • David P - Driving to Derby via Carnforth
  • Ruth P - Lift with DP to Carnforth
  • Alex P - Lift with JM (leaving after walk on Sunday evening)
  • Jon M - Driving to Cambridge (leaving after walk on Sunday evening)
  • Jo S - With Dave
  • Sarah W - Train Crianlarich-Cardiff monday morning, then car to Cambridge
  • Simon W - With Dave
  • DC - driving to Stirling afternoon of 2nd Jan


We need six main courses and six desserts, plus something fancier for New Year (did we agree on New Year's Eve for the meal?).

A significant number of people seem keen to leave 1 day early, therefore missing the last meal. Also, a significant number may turn up late on the first night, although I will still want food, unless the weather / trains mean I am badly delayed. (DF)

For inspiration, here are the wikis for the last two years:
Corrour 2009
Killin 2010


Add which whisky you are planning to bring here, so that we avoid duplication and ensure a good mix:

  • Lomond
  • Blackberry (!)
  • Glenfiddich (18 year) - courtesy of sixth form so I'll get another!
  • Bruichladdich waves

Main Courses

Meal suggestion Votes (add initials by six options) Total
Lasagne DP RP DF IP MAF 5
Bangers and mash with veg RP 1
Pizza (to use up leftovers on last night) RP AEB 2
Curries (+ chutney, naan, papadums etc.) DP AB JM JS AEB IP AP MAF 8
Risotto DF IP 2
Pasta Slop
Stir Fry DF 1
Meat Stew
Fish Stew
Meat Pie (pastry based) DP 1
Fish Pie
Shepherd's Pie RP JM JS AP 4
Cottage Pie
Pork and apple braise DP 1
Spaghetti bolognaise JS 1
Thai curry AEB 1
Seafood risotto
Beef paprikash MAF 1
Homemade burgers MAF 1
Spicy chicken and couscous JS 1
Falafel, aubergine tagine, houmous/spicy chickpeas, couscous DP RP AB JM DF AEB IP AP 8
Mushroom pie
Baked potatoes + various fillings
Lentil and aubergine mousakka AB JS JM AEB IP MAF 6
Bean burgers, roast sweet potatoes, chilli sauce AB JM JS AP 4
Pumpkin and coconut curry
Nut roast DP RP AB DF IP AP 6

What are we doing about Amy's culinary preferences?
Some of these options are easier to do as all inclusive, some can be modified to have the same theme side by side, some can have something altogether different. I'm not planning to eat dodge meat (i.e. cheap pork or chicken), so also happy to eat vegan things on some nights... [JM]
Happy to eat vegan [Dave]
I could probably cope with vegan one or two nights. [DP]
I believe Sarah W is also veggie [yes I am - sorry :) [SW#2]] so we have quite a large cohort this year. I'm happy to have one or two vegan nights but do want meat to get me up the mountains and I am keen to have meat in the New Year's Eve meal. [RP]
Happy to eat vegan meals as long as they're served with lashings of cream [AB (not the vegan one, obviously)]
Thank you all for considering me :D I shall endeavour to make sure that we make yummy vegan food and get enough protein etc to get everyone up mountains! [Amy]
Dont worry about me. The only thing I really wont eat is fish. SW[#1]

I have not voted for food as I'm only going to be there for 2 nights (and one of those is the New Year's Eve meal). Please plan for an extra person on the Friday and Saturday nights! [DC]


Meal suggestion Votes (add initials by six options) Total
Lemon Meringue Pie DP RP JM AEB 4
Apple Crumble DP RP AB JS AEB IP 6
Chocolate Soufflé AEB 1
Chocolate Brownies DF AP 2
Chocolate Mousse
Chocolate Ice Cream DF 1
Chocolate Coated Fruit AB AEB 2
Chocolate Brulée
Chocolate Fudge Cake JM DF IP AP 4
Chocolate Tarlets
Chocolate Sundaes JS 1
Chocolate Bomb (aka. Meringues)
Chocolate Covered Frozen Bananas
Chocolate Covered Profiteroles DP JM AP 3
Chocolate Torte JM DF JS IP 4
Chocolate Truffles AB DF AP 3
Chocolate Steamed Pudding
Chocolate Fondant JM 1
Baked Alaska DP RP JM DF JS AEB AP 7
Baked apples AB IP 2
Sticky toffee pudding AEB IP AP 3
Christmas pudding DP RP AB IP 4
Poached pears and chocolate sauce JS 1
Cherry and apple tart DP RP AB 3
Chocolate log RP 1
Pineapple upside down cake JS 1

New Year Meal

Jon, are you happy to be in charge of this again this year?
Oh yes... I feel honoured. :) Will come up with a menu in the next couple of days. [JM] Still in the planning, I've been a bit international recently. It'll be nice, cater for all preference (i.e. meat + vegan) and should be done by the 19th! [JM]