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Cooking for Swaledale Trip, 23rd-25th November 2018

Cooking protocol on this trip

  • Cooking on this trip is going to be a little different from past trips (if you’ve been with us before) for we aim to cook Christmas dinner!
  • The club will provide crackers and turkey.
  • All the other dishes should be provided by you, and the cost will be pooled and divided between everyone (so please bring some cash).
  • You don’t have to volunteer to do something, but since it’s a small trip, it would be good to split the work between everyone.
  • There’s a list of suggested dishes to bring below, but this is by no means prescriptive! If you want to show off your family/country’s speciality, go for it! If someone’s already cooking your favoured item, sign up for it too, and we can see whose is best!
  • Of course, you don’t have to take part in Christmas dinner; you can sign up to be independent instead, but note that we can’t have loads of people all running round the kitchen cooking independently.


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Finalise dish allocations by Wednesday evening so everyone knows how much to buy and has a couple of days to do the shopping and prepare the dish.


Sign up for a main course - put your name down for turkey or veggie alternative. This indicates that you want to eat this course (they will be provided by the Co-Presidents)

Sign up for side dishes - put your name down next to a side dish to indicate that you are happy to PROVIDE it (not eat it!). If you sign up to do a side dish, please ensure that you bring all the necessary ingredients in sufficient quantities for 25 people unless specified otherwise (maybe less for desserts as there are multiple options). Everyone will then be able to help themselves to as many side dishes/sauces/puddings as they want.

Christmas dinner suggestions


Turkey -

Add your name if you want Turkey:

  • Simon, Mary, Bronwen, Ben, Chris H, Bill, Paul F, Katie, Cameron R, Grace, Jacob (Allergic to all nuts), Aoife, Peter M, James R, Mathilde, Enrico, Aristotle

Veggie/vegan alternative -
I'll buy something veggie/vegan for those who want it - please indicate with your initials which of the following you'd prefer (you can vote more than once) and I'll go for the most popular:
Veggie pie -

Veggie sausages -
Beanburgers - SM (they honestly do go quite nicely with all the sides) EB * Sarah
* Elliot B * Danny V * Iain (Allergy to dairy) * Ella J *Jodie W (no allergies but pescatarian)

Vegetables and side dishes

Selection of roast vegetables (e.g. potatoes, parsnips, Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, carrots) (keep them veggie-friendly as far as possible)

  • Roast potatoes - Mary, Aoife
  • Sprouts in some form - Bill
  • Maple Roast Carrots and Parsnips - Chris H
  • Yorkshire puddings - Sarah
  • Pigs in Blankets - Chris H
  • Roasted sweet potato and butternut squash with rosemary - Paul F
  • Stuffing - Cameron R
    • Onion Dip and Chips (crisps) - Ella J


  • Gravy - Bill (will use Bisto if nobody objects) - *(please could be vegetarian? The beef bisto in the red cardboard tub is veggie, I can bring some if that's easier! - Jodie W)
  • Cranberry sauce - Bill
  • Horseradish sauce - Bill
  • Apple sauce - Danny

Desserts & Booze

  • Christmas pudding, holly, and alcohol for burning - Bronwen, Bill (I can provide brandy as I've got some cheap brandy I'm looking to get rid of.
  • Brandy butter - Mathilde, Enrico
  • Mince Pies - Bill
  • Yule log - Mary
  • Ginger Slice (vegan) - Elliot
  • Gingerbread men - Grace & Jacob, Katie
  • Becherovka or Polish vodka (if my sister brings it tomorrow!) - Danny V


  • Your name here

Not yet signed-up for meal

  • Jia W