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Cooking for Caseg Fraith Trip, November 11th-13th 2011

This is a wiki (editable web page) to organise cooking for the CUHWC trip to Caseg Fraith in Snowdonia this (11th-13th November) weekend. All crockery, cutlery, utensils, pots and pans are provided - the kitchen has a microwave oven, electric cooker and hobs. The club will supply cooking oil.

Click edit at the top to change the text (you'll need to be logged in to your account on the website first - click here to register if you don't have one). You can either suggest a meal idea or join one of the existing ones and you're obviously also welcome to sort yourself out (move your name to 'Independent'). Please remove your name from the 'Not yet signed-up for meal' list too once you're in a group or have decided to cook alone. The person who suggests the meal is responsible for arranging the ingredients - everyone else in the group should bring money on the trip to pay for their share, and expect to help with the preparation and washing up.

Meal suggestions by Tuesday evening. Finalise groups by Wednesday night so the person suggesting the meal knows how much they have to buy and has a couple of days to do the shopping.

Soup, creamy pasta and bread-and-butter pudding (vegetarian)

Starter: Lentil, tomato and chilli soup
Main: Linguine with crème fraiche, spinach and mushroom sauce
Dessert: Bread-and-butter pudding


  • Matthew
  • Joe
  • Dave
  • Lucy
  • James
  • Emma
  • Charlotte
  • Christie
  • Tom A
  • Greg
  • Vicky
  • Phil B
  • Niina

Probably the first time a group's filled up before the trip email's been sent out... :-) MJ

  • I've added a few extra spaces as fewer cooking groups are probably less hassle anyway and it gives those who didn't know about the wiki in advance a chance to sign-up (though I'm not sure the chance to eat my cooking is much of an opportunity!) [l|/users/matthew-graham|Matthew Graham] - 16:28 07 November 2011

Salmon risotto and chocolate orange

Starter: soup - leek and potato
Main: Salmon and squash risotto
Dessert: caramelised oranges and bitter chocolate sauce with shortbread

Maximum number: now increased to maximum 12 but please sign up by WED night and state fish or not.

  • Becky
  • Andrew
  • David P
  • Kirsty
    • Could I possibly just have soup and pudding please? :-) [Kirsty]
    • What do people think about vegetable risotto with either cashew nuts or salmon on top so that the meal can also be enjoyed by vegetarians? [Becky]
    • I'd be fine with just soup and pudding and don't want to be awkward, so please don't change it just on my account! [Kirsty]
    • Happy to have salmon on top, though I'll be needing some form of meat or fish in the meal... [AW]
    • There is always the MEAT meal below?! [DM]
    • Indeed, but I prefer risotto to curry... And I signed up to this meal thinking it would contain fish. [AW]
    • Don't worry there will be lots of fish for those who want it! and lots of pudding... [Becky]
    • Glad to hear it..! Thanks. [AW]
    • Lots of fish and lots of pudding sounds good to me! [DP]
  • Bethan
  • David Y
  • Elena
  • Eleri
  • Aileen
  • Jon
    • Is this group full now, or can you squeeze in two more? I am super keen on some veggie risotto and happy to bring along some cashew nuts! And Jon would definitely love the salmon! If not, we will cook independently :) [Aileen & Jon] ps. I have no idea how to use these wiki pages so sorry if I'm doing it all wrong!
  • Chris
    • Ditto-it sounds great, but I'm guessing there's no way I could squeeze in on it. :)
  • Andrés Villar
    • I love salmon!!!
  • Breanndan
    • Account just got activated. Is it too late? No - see below

Will get 11 fillets of salmon and provide for 2 non-fish eaters. Pudding, soup and bread for all. [Becky]

  • Sounds great. Looking forward to the meal. Was just about to add a comment about whether everyone was being catered for or not, but I see you (Becky) beat me to it! Sorted. Thanks a lot. [AW]

Lamb curry and veiled lady

Main: Lamb curry with rice and naan

Dessert: Veiled lady (stewed apple, cream, breadcrumbs and chocolate)

Maximum number: 6

Extended to: 10 (Probably easiest if I still get the ingredients, but help cooking would be good!)

  • Your generosity is deeply appreciated Tom! Will help with cooking. MJ

Final sign-up 8PM Wednesday (as I may not have any time on Thursday or Friday to shop)

  • Tom W
  • Mark (if moving is OK!)
    • Groups only need to be final by Wednesday evening [AW]
  • Laura B
  • Peter K
  • Michael
  • Jessica
  • Josh B
  • Peter S
  • Tom H
  • Lewis



Is anyone keen on mulled wine? We could all get together and bring several bottles, spices and TMA[1]. Add your name if you'd like some, and say what you can bring.

  • Tom W (wine, spices, TMA)
  • Dave M (wine, cinnamon)
  • Andrew (always keen on wine...! And even more so if it turns into mulled TMA like last year... I'll bring a bottle of wine and TMA.)
    • What on earth is TMA?? MJ
    • I wondered this for a while too - if you can be bothered, check back through the Wiki edits and you'll find one where Dave changed what I'd originally written to 'TMA'. Thus it will present itself. [AW]
    • See the clearly labelled reference at the bottom!!! [DM]
  • DP (if I'm camping, i.e. not driving to a hostel)
  • Greg (wine, can bring spices if you tell me what you're lacking)
  • Tom A (wine)
  • Josh B (wine)
  • Peter S (wine)

Not yet signed-up for meal

Paul Cook
Andrena Ball
Ian Cooper
Madeleine Yates

  1. Turbo Mulling Agent ↩︎