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Cluanie Expedition: Easter 2015

This page is to co-ordinate equipment sharing, food and anything else necessary for the Cluanie Expedition. Between the six of us, we need to bring:

  • Stoves (David, Jamie), gas (David, Tom, Jamie), scourers (David), pans (David), lighter (Jamie, Tom)
  • Tents (David, Jamie, Anthony)
  • First aid kit - indivduals should bring their own drugs, compeeds etc, but there should be at least one larger kit. (David)
  • Trowel (David)
  • Playing cards (Jamie)
  • Emergency Shelter (Fingal)
  • Survival Bag (Jamie)
  • Repair equipment - duct tape, paracord, cable ties etc (David)
  • Mapping (David, Tom/Club) & compasses (Tom, Fingal, Alex)

    I (DH) have also compiled a personal kit list, which I will put here in case it is of any use to people:

  • Boots, pool shoe (camp & river crossings), 3x thick socks
  • Gaiters
  • 2 pairs trousers, 2 pairs boxers (i have some antibacterial ones before you start kicking off)
  • Hardshell, softshell, overtrousers
  • Base layer, 2 fleeces
  • Gloves, hats, buff, sunglasses, midge hood (no risks being taken)
  • Duct tape, compeed, first aid kit – immodium, antihistamine, - paracord
  • Pyjamas
  • Walking poles
  • Head torch & battery
  • Tent, spare pegs
  • Sleeping bag, liner, carry mat
  • Plate, spork, mug, penknife
  • Water container, chlorine tablets
  • Toilet roll, soap, tooth brush, tooth paste, bin bags
  • Mobile phones, camera, batteries, SD card
  • Cash, paperback, notebook, marker pen

    Food - David, Alex, and Anthony
    Food - The Couscous Crew