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Cape Wrath Trail Planning

DH: I've put together a kitlist I'll be packing to, which others may wish to comment on/contribute to. I think there's a certain amount of kit we can share between us, which I've indicated.


  • Boots, pool shoe, 3x thick socks, gaiters
  • 2 pairs trousers, 1 pair shorts, 2 pairs boxers, belt, hardshell, softshell, overtrousers, Base layer, shirt, 2 fleeces, small towel
  • Gloves, hat, buff, sunglasses, midge hood

  • Needle & thread, duct tape, compeed, berocca, (small amount) sun cream, insect repellent or equivalent, first aid kit – dissolvables, anthisan, immodium, antihistamine, athletes foot – paracord, cable tie, lighter

  • Pyjamas

  • Walking poles
  • Head torch
  • Tent, spare pegs
  • Sleeping bag, liner, carry mat
  • Plate, cutlery, mug, penknife
  • Drybags
  • Water container, chlorine tablets
  • Maps, guide book, return postage,
  • Toilet roll, soap, tooth brush, tooth paste, bin bags

  • Mobile phone, camera, batteries, SD card

  • Cash (TAL: I will take £40 plus a little change e.g for ferry or Barisdale Bay campsite, recommend taking a similar amount), paperback (catch 22), playing cards

  • Stoves, gas, pans/utencils

  • Tea, tang
  • Porridge, milk powder, raisins
  • other food


Initial (i.e. before we meet) to be carried by: David - burner, tent John - gas canister, tent, burner, O2 nokia brick Toby Tom - gas canister, trowel, trangia, emergency shelter, O2 mobile phone

Who is taking these? Mark your initials next to them and ALSO add to the list above:

  • Pots/utencils
  • Scourer/washing up things
  • General repair kit, needle & thread, duct tape, paracord, cable tie,
  • Lighter
  • Compass (2 needed)
  • Mobile phone (at least 2) (TAL)

Do we have space for emergency shelter? (TAL: I'll taking this, it isn't heavy)

GROUP FOOD (JO - try to minimise foods containing water - do powdered equivalents exist? TAL - I've tried to do that as much as possible - all the stir-in sauces, soup and noodles don't contain water)

Meal Ideas
Soups from concentrate

Instant noodles (assorted flavours)

Pasta with stir-in sauce/tomato puree, tuna (in pouches), and sweetcorn Pasta with stir-in sauce/tomato puree, chorizo, tabasco, onion, peppers Pasta with creamy cheese (bit like Maceroni and Cheese) (JO - powder soup can make good sauce).

Spagetti with Bolognaise/carbonara sauce

Couscous with stir-in sauce and chicken (precooked) Couscous with sauce and tuna (in pouch) Assorted Ainsley Harriot couscous sachets (although biggest rip-off ever)

(JO - couscous needs something to liven it up. AH packets too expensive. TAL - hmm yeah I know, any suggestions? Can just use the stir-in sauces again but that might be a bit overkill with the pasta as well. I know the AH sachets are a bit of a rip-off but we would only need a few, they can be good enough to be a complete meal in themselves for 50p each)

John's veggie chilli with rice/potatoes (JO - is this really practical? TAL - maybe not, just a thought) Tortilla wraps with assorted ingredients

Who's taking what
Food should be in tieable/sealable plastic bags. Initially to be split as follows:

Porridge oats (1kg) - TAHL (With raisins, dried milk powder separate) Porridge oats (1kg) - Couscous (1kg) -

Porridge (50g / person / day)

TENTS David: Vango Spectre 300 John: F10 Nitro Lite 200

STOVES and COOKING Burners: John & David Initial gas: Toby & Tom Food to be sorted in pairs

  • Home contacts: we'll draw up a timetable between places with guaranteed signal, and contact home accordingly. Various people will take Nokia bricks across all networks - enable text 999. Numbers need to be circulated between the group - via Facebook for security.

  • Other kit: Tom will take a trowel, and source a club shelter and BMC Torridon map. David'll get the two additional Aqua 3 maps to complete the set.

A few of us are currently quite keen on trekking the Cape Wrath Trail in Scotland at some point during the summer, and this wiki is to help organize it. Approximately 200 miles in length, it is one of the most challenging walks in Europe, through some of its most remote scenery, and ought to be the trip of a lifetime. Details here:

Currently I thinking it'd take around 16-18 days including travel time from the South.

Please fill in the wiki if you are interested, with the dates you are free in the summer. You don't have to be able/want to do the entire route, even if you were interested in coming for a week that'd be good.

Also, come to the pub this Thursday (6th March) to discuss!

  • Tom L - currently free from mid-July to mid-September, so any time around then. Shortly after those going to the Alps got back might be best, to avoid doing it too late in the summer when I will (should be) worrying about dissertation work etc ..

  • Andrew - interested, though it's possible if I were spending an extended amount of time in Scotland, I would prefer something more bagging-orientated. Anyway, I'd like to know what plans are made for this. I'm presently free for all of August and September (though possibly not for ~1 week from ~7th). I think August might be best avoided due to midge issues, however.

  • John O - interest but will have to see how it will fit around 6 week coursework project over the summer. currently free 07 Jul until 14 Aug

  • Anthony - not really free due to work placement, but may try and join for a few days, depending on how much holiday time I can take.

  • Marcus - Free from September 13th onwards.

  • Becky - 1 week mid-end August

  • Chris - September. I'll finish Land's End to John O'Groats on the 2nd September, but in all honesty probably want a few rest days before starting on the Cape Wrath trail.

  • Josh A - definitely really interested in doing this. I'm available for pretty much the whole summer so can do any time with the exception of early August and 6th September as i'm doing a charity cross country marathon then :-P

  • Mark - if I was able to do timings I'd probably try and come for the first 5-6 days' walking (TAL - That is very ambitious, unless you join us at Glenfinnan!) (as far as Strathcarron station = c. 90 miles) - this would be the option for anyone looking to do a shorter section really as there are no stations further north

    • There are a few other options for those wanting to do part of the trail. There are coaches to Inverness which stop at Shiel Bridege (approx 6-7 days), as well on the A835 south of Ullapool (may need to walk along the road to get to a bus stop) (approx 13 days in). These are fast intercity coaches, not a little unreliable midibuses - TAL)
  • Fiona - interested but uncertain what I'm doing in the summer yet so may not be able to come. Keep me in the loop!

  • Jade - In Venice 18th-25th September, but free all of July, August, and I guess the very start of Sept. Very keen.

  • Dave Hoyle - Definitely very interested, but like others have the complication of first year engineering work experience.

  • Rose - Interested. Will depend on summer plans. Won't be able to come for all of it.

  • Philip — Keen. Available all summer except around the weeks of the Alps (20th July to 3rd August). Will need to negotiate time off work.

  • Toby - Definitely interested, I (unfortunately) haven't manged to get any work experience this summer, so will be free for any time in the hols until mid August.