May Week saw a crowd of current and past members enjoying a sunny(ish) Garden Party and punting trip. All the details are below for those who missed it... (The eagle-eyed among you will notice that the event picture still shows the 2010 Garden Party - we'd like to update this, so if you have a good photo of this year's event please send it to the webmaster.)
Remember sipping champagne and enjoying strawberries and cream on a Cambridge college lawn, watching the punts go past? Relive your student days (or at least the sophisticated bits!) by joining fellow hillwalkers from across the years at a summer Garden Party.
Dr James Hickson invites you all to join him and the current club for the CUHWC Garden Party on Saturday 14th June in Pembroke College gardens.
Duffers of all generations are more than welcome - we very much hope you can join us!
Garden Party details
Our fabulous annual Garden Party is coming up to kick off May Week from 2-4pm on Saturday 14 June. Set in the beautiful grounds of Pembroke Fellow’s Garden, this promises to be a special way to celebrate the club’s 25th Anniversary (following on from the memorable Langdale Trip in Lent). The price of a ticket will be £8, with vast quantities of delicious food and plenty of Pimm’s to help you soak up the afternoon sun (we hope!). If there’s anything you’d particularly like to cook or bring along that would be fantastic and we’ll be able to pay your back for the cost of ingredients (see below), or just come along to the most fun that hillwalkers can have whilst in Cambridge!
Contributing Garden Party food
If you're feeling keen, we'd love you to bring along something delicious to share! Once you’ve signed up to attend, head over to the cooking wiki. The idea is that you bring along some of your own food along in a group or as an individual and we’ll pay you back for the cost of the ingredients. Whatever you come up with will be most appreciated, and don’t worry Hillwalkers aren’t fussy! If cooking is not for you, not to worry, we’ll be just as glad to have your company.
Punting details
And if the Garden Party isn’t too much fun for one day, then it will be followed by Overnight Punting with a BBQ, even more drinking and other festivities on Grantchester Meadows. There will be fun flying everywhere in the form of frisbees, sparklers, and all those other things you just didn’t quite get the chance to do during Exam term! We’ll then punt back to Cambridge in the dark. The price for this will be £12 to cover the cost of everything (except the fun – that’s free!).
We’re sure you’d like to come to both, which all in all is a bargain for just £20, but if you’d like to come to one or the other, we’d be delighted to have your company too. Please email the current social secs, Jade & Marcus (cuhwc-social at and either transfer the appropriate amount to the club account (account no: 00572720 // sort code: 30-91-56), or send a cheque, payable to 'CU Hillwalking Club', to John Ockenden's pidgeonhole at Clare Colony, to secure your place by Friday 6th June.
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