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Garden Party

Event Date: 
Saturday, 13 June, 2015 - 13:00 to 16:00
Event Type: 
Event Location: 

Pembroke Fellows' Garden

Event Description: 
The Hillwalkers will have their annual Garden Party on Saturday 13 June 13:00-16:00, at Pembroke Fellows’ Garden! As well as a celebration of the end of exams, this event promises to provide more fantastic food than you could ever hope to eat and plenty of alcohol too! Afterwards, join us for the traditionnal overnight punting beneath the weeping willows, sipping wine and nibbling strawberries to the village of Grantchester until after dark! More details to follow but please put the date in your diary so that you keep it free. You may have another Garden Party on that day, however rumours suggest that the CUHWC Garden Party is BY FAR the most fun Hillwalkers can have whilst in Cambridge (and it's cheap!). More details, including price and sign up will follow soon!