Submitted by Jo Smith on Sat, 22/05/2010 - 15:10
Chair: Mr Dave Farrow
Secretary: Mr Tim Middleton
Apologies for absence
- Jonathan Fife
- Toby Speight
- David Pettit
- Caroline Hepburn
Report by the President
- The club is still running.
- The club has enough money.
- Not many Freshers this year and numbers are slightly down but trips are still full.
- Planned change to finances (see Motion).
- This is a long table. Simon Taylor is a long way away.
- Loss of £1000 as expected.
- The biggest loss was the Anniversary Trip due to the transport.
- Trips make a consistent loss of £100 as planned.
- Made £500 less from membership this year than last year.
- Also had a much bigger Societies Syndicate grant.
- For the first time this year we had £300 sponsorship from the BMC which funded an instructor to come on a trip. This was generally thought successful and ought to be repeated.
- £150 spent on new equipment.
- The Ceilidh raised £65 for Mountain Rescue which hasn't yet been paid from the account.
- There is a £15.50 discrepancy between the spreadsheet and accounts book.
- Ian: Is it right to refund formals when people don't come?
- Oliver S: For Hughes Hall someone fell ill and at Johns things were disorganised because we didn't know the price.
- In general agreed that unless a replacement was found or good reason why not then no refunds should be given.
- Simon T: You have to apply to the Societies Syndicate a year in advance and they base what they give you on the number of members you had in the previous year so we are likely to get around £500 less this year.
- Ian: We deliberately made a loss last year because there was too much money in the account. The incoming committee need to be careful to balance the books.
- Oliver S: £200 for paying drivers will need to be put down on next year's accounts.
- Vote to approve accounts: 24 in favour, 0 against.
Andy Gibson Training Fund
- The Andy Gibson Fund is still being advertised but people are only really applying for it in the summer term.
- There have been a few rule changes this year and they now only give one Alpine grant per year. Hopefully the rules are also now clearer.
- The Gibsons have donated another £1000 into the fund again recently.
- The rules for the grant are on the website.
- Simon W: Could they consider retrospective applications in the first few works of the next term?
- Dave: It would require the fund committee to make the change.
- Ian: Could the instructor on a trip be funded from Andy Gibson if the BMC stop giving us the grant?
- Dave: It is possible to make a group application to the fund. It could come under this.
Questions to the Committee
- Simon T: What percentage of people who come on day trips only come on day trips?
- Dave: 52%....[not actually calculated!]
- Ian: A sentence should be added to trip emails saying that trips will still go whatever the weather.
- Simon W: Should we get rid of the Lent term day trip?
- Dave: Day trips aren't in the constitution. It's up to the committee.
- New motion proposed to allow committee to have freedom to change pricing and structure of membership to make clearer and fairer.
- Previous committees have never changed things significantly anyway.
- There will be a clause preventing retrospective changes so current members will not be affected.
- It would make more sense for membership fees to cover the BMC affiliation costs and the Societies Syndicate grant to cover the deficit in trip costs.
- Dave: Proposed new structure of initial membership of £15 and £9 to renew each year.
- Ian: What if Societies Syndicate don't approve?
- Simon T: Unlikely, they have lots of money.
- Paul: We currently waste their money by affiliating course members to the BMC when they no longer come on trips. So we'll save them money!
- Jo: What is the advantage of a higher initial cost?
- Dave: Societies Syndicate will be sceptical of the money they give if we make large cuts in membership costs.
- Dave: There will be a transient period as this new structure is brought through.
- Ian: Should mandate new committee to give notice of changes.
- Vote to approve motion: 25 in favour, 0 against.
Election of Officers
- President: Jo-26, RON-0
- Meets Secretary: Tom-16, Joe-11, RON-0
- Social Secretary: Jane and Bethan-27, RON-1
- Safety Officer: Julie-6, Kirsty-3, Joe-18, RON-0
- Junior Treasurer: Matthew-26, RON-0
- Membership Secretary: Kirsty-23, Rob-4, RON-0
- Ian: Mandate new committee to give at least two weeks notice of any proposed changes to the club membership. This should be sent round the main email list.
- This was approved unanimously.
Cheese and Wine
- It is indeed surprisingly hard to eat three cream crackers in a minute.
- Next year a box of wine should be purchased.
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