Chair: Mr Andrew Williamson
Secretary: Miss Vicky Ward
Also present: Dr James Hickson, Michael Fordham, Joe Hobbs, Andrena Ball, Eleri Cousins, Dave Farrow, Mike Simpson & Jo Smith
Helen Phillips
The one nomination, Joe Hobbs, anxiously demanded on making the speech that he had prepared before people started to vote. He stated that since he could “barely fail to get in” that he ought to outline his previous failures in his three committee roles. Said failures were as follows:
-As Meets Secretary he left behind Michael
-During his time as the Safety Officer, 2 visits were paid to A&E
-As Social Secretary he generally failed
Having pondered these failures, he felt it was time to go round the committee cycle for a second attempt at all the roles, starting with Meets Secretary.
Eleri, upon hearing this speech asked, “can i change my vote?”
Joe Hobbs was duly elected with the results: Joe Hobbs 10, with 1 abstention.
Joe/Dave: Is other business allowed in an EGM?
Andrew: Yes it is. Any other business?
Everyone: no
Andrew: the EGM is finished.