Anniversary Dinner and weekend meet — Langdale, 21-23 February 2014

Langdale Youth Hostel 1

The flagship event of the year, combining a black-tie dinner with opportunities for hillwalking in the heart of the Lake District. We returned to Langdale (High Close) YHA, the location of the Twentieth Anniversary Dinner, with nearly 100 new, existing and old members. The somewhat wet weather failed to dampen the enthusiasm of the attendees: hills were climbed, a wonderful dinner eaten, vast quantities of alcohol drunk, songs sung, willows stripped, mascots chased and a fantastic time had by all.

Here is a photograph of the group taken just before dinner:

25th Anniversary Dinner group, Photograph by Toby Speight

Further group photographs taken by Toby can be found at this link.

Photo albums from some of the event attendees can be found by clicking the following links: